In recent years mirror finished aluminum sheet is more and more widely used as home appliance panels owing to its light weight, good corrosion resistance and long durability.
Regular alloys for mirror finished aluminum sheet are 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 3003, 5005 а также 5057. Tempers can be O, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24 and H26. 1000 series of aluminum is also called pure aluminum. They contain a large content of aluminium and prove to be the softest of the three series. They have corrosion resistance of a certain degree but not so good as 3000 а также 5000 серии. тем не мение, aluminum mirror sheets of 1000 series have better performance in resisting corrosion, because they have gone through special treatment steps such as anodizing and coating. 3003 aluminum mirror sheet contains a slight content of Manganese which is featured by good corrosion resisting ability, thus its anti-rust ability is substantially improved. 5057 а также 5005 mirror finish aluminum sheets, тем не мение, beat all other alloys mentioned. They contain another corrosion resistant metal of Magnesium which is even lighter than aluminium. Magnesium has not been applied in large scales like aluminium because of its less satisfying working property. Алюминий, on the other hand, can be treated by various processing methods from punching to deep drawing and from polishing to anodizing. They can be as soft as paper or as strong as steel. Mirror finished aluminum lasts long as a raw material for home appliances.
1. The use of their own mirror aluminum material, eliminating the polishing process, reduce the process and shorten the process. This material is mirror processing mechanical polishing surface generation, no coating, sandblasting, anode processing, without annealing anode or plating film, can be directly sandblasting, anode processing, sand particle size up to 320 or more rough.
2. Hardness: hardness uniformity, suitable for complex stamping forming, изгиб, растяжение, integer is not easy to break.
3. Обработка поверхности: pure material, suitable for high requirements of the stability of the anodic oxidation surface treatment, such as chemical polishing, распыление, fog, two-color two anode, sandblasting, chemical sand, окрашивание, sealing and other processing.
1)Самолет, автомобиль, тренироваться
2)Стена здания, потолки, кровельные работы, мебельный шкаф, осветительная пластина
3)Транспортная пластина, солнечная отражающая пластина, Угловой протектор, изоляционный материал
4)Бутылка для напитков, крышка, кольцо тянуть, косметическая оболочка и крышка
5)Алюминиевый протектор / пластина с тиснением, закаленная и предварительно растянутая плита
6)Опорная плита PS, Опорная плита CTP, Знаки, табличка с именем
7)Корпус электротехнической продукции, плита инженерного оборудования
8)Алюминиевые рефрижераторные контейнеры и специальные контейнеры.
9)Бытовая техника:холодильники,микроволновые печи,аудиооборудование,так далее
10)Бытовая электроника:мобильные телефоны,цифровые фотоаппараты,MP3,U disk,так далее.
11)Светодиодный,абажур,рассеиватель или люминесцентная лампа